
Akun PayPal ku kena limit

Hmm.. beneran ini. Akun PayPalku kena limit, hiks... Padahal nih, baru mo buat transaksi. Hmm, setelah membaca sedikit wangsit yang saya dapat dari penasihat internet saya, mbah Gugel, akhirnya saya tahu.

Limit PayPal, apa sih?
Bagi yang blom tahu apa itu Limit di PayPal, simak baik baik :D. Limit di Paypal bisa terjadai karena banyak hal. Ada yang karena beberapa *hal* yang blom lengkap, menerima transferan dana yang cukup gede, atau terlalu gede; menerima aliran dana gelap, ato lainnya.

Kalau yang terjadi sama aku kayaknya yang point kekurangan *hal*. Masalahnya ketika masuk ke Resolution Center aku mendapati 3 point yang musti dilengkapi. Diantaranya musti merubah password, mengisi security question, sama disuruh membuktikan kalau aku benar benar tinggal di alamat yang aku daftarin. Hmm.. kurang percaya banget sih ya :D Padahal aku gak da tampang nipu sedikitpun. Orang cakep gini juga .. :)

Akhirnya, tak layanin juga tuh tantangannya. Hanya saja yang Proof of Addsress, musti nunggu 1x24 jam. Semoga dengan screenshot SIM via webcam lapie pinjeman, sudah cukup. Mo nerusin transaksi soalnya huehehehe..

Pfuih,, musti nunggu rek.. Besok kabar kabar lagi dah.. :)

Mengintip Password XP dan Vista

Topik kali ini, mencuri password XP dan Vista. Sebelumnya ma'af nih bagi yang pada make Sistem Operasi Windows. Bukannya saya ingin membuka aib, cuman mau sharing aja kok :D Semoga diambil manfaatnya aja deh. Yang negatif negatif thom gak ikut nanggung :D

Untuk mengetahui password XP/ Vista, sebenarnya cukup gampang kok. Prosesnya yang lumayan sulit huehehehe... Baca dulu deh, supaya paham yang thom kamsud. Penasaran bagaimana 'mencuri' password Windows XP atau bahkan Windows Vista?

Satu syarat penting sebelum kita bisa mengintip password Windows XP atau Vista. Kita musti punya softwarenya terlebih dahulu. Nama softwarenya adalah Ophcrack. Nah bagi thom, ini merupakan 'kesulitan' mendasar. Karena softwarenya mempunyai ukuran file sekitar 400Megabyte. Belum lagi, untuk XP dan Vista tidak bisa memakai satu CD. Untuk XP sendiri, untuk yang Vista sendiri. Kurang tahu sih untuk yang OPHCrack for Vista sekalian bisa lihat password untuk XP tidak. Mungkin ada yang ingin menambahkan?

Nah, untuk memakainya :
  • Burning file OPHCrack dengan ekstensi *.iso ke CD. Untuk burning CD, harus memakai CD-R/W atau DVD-Combo atau DVD-R/W.
  • Setelah diburning, reboot komputer dan setting BIOS supaya boot dari CD-ROM
  • Jangan lupa diset settingan BIOS-nya ya,,
  • Selanjutnya, masukkan CD OPHCrack yang sudah kita buat tadi ke ke dalam CD-ROM
  • udah deh, tinggal pelototin aja tuh monitor, ikuti langkah yang diinstruksikan. Gak sulit kok :)
Nah, mudah bukan 'mencuri' passwordnya? :) Jadi, mulai sekarang hati hati yah ;) Terutama kalo laktopnya ada yang thom pinjem huehehehehe

Note :
Tenang saja, OPHCrack ini gratis dan dikembangkan terus. Jadi, besok yang persi buat Windows-7 juga bakal ada sendiri :) Jadi tunggu aja :D
Download link

High Fashion Eye Glasses

I've used glasses for 6 years. In that time, I've changed my glasses a few time. First time I used glasses, I choose a cheap glasses. I would use a fashionable glasses, but my budget was not enough. Finally, I wasn't feel confidence. What a pity. But now, I knew for being fashionable is not expensive, for example, I found $ 8 Rx eyeglasses. Look at these pictures, My favorite high fashion eyeglasses style :

Wish, it would inspire you too. When you decide to buy a pairs of glasses, it's better to read How You Can Start Spending Smart first. It might help you too.

Great Cheap Hosting Reference for you

Hey,, have you any website? I mean with your own hosted? Hmm if you have no website, I suggest you to have one soon. Have a website nowadays make our business run well. Also we can make friendship with another blogger or share information. When you decide to create a website, one thing you should think and consider when you choose hosting for your web is the price. We prefer cheap hosting with great service, don't we? So do I, because I can save much money and allocate it for another, but never have to worry my site is down, because the hosting’s service is bad. But you should be careful, because sometimes we just get cheap price but has bad performance. You could refer to this hosting information site to get some references. You can get cheap web hosting with great performance. Trust me.

If you still ‘newbie’ in hosting, do not worry. You can get all the explanation of hosting. You could get also tips or guide how to switch web hosting, how to choose great and comfort hosting as you need, and much more. Beside that, you still can find tips on web design. Just feel free to explore this hosting information site to get great hosting for your web.

'Cuma Pasang Banner Dibayar', Beneran Bayar..

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya pernah posting mengenai 'Aneh : Pasang Banner Dibayar'. Hmm.. Ternyata sesuai dengan judul postingan di atas, emang beneran bayar. Saya sudah membuktikannya sendiri. Saya pasang banner Perfect Money sekitar tanggal 19 bulan 7. Nah, karena gak ada waktu, saya baru bisa cek hari ini(25/8). Tadi login, eh, di akun perfect money saya udah keisi $20. Sekarang baru proses pencairan dana :D Lumayan lah, buat persiapan Lebaran huehehehehe.. Perfect Money membayar per 30 hari. Lumayan lhooh $20 cuman masang banner doank.

Bagi yang mau juga, tinggal daftar kok. Buruuaan, supaya dapet tambahan THR juga huehehehe.. :D Lagian kita dibayar terus [denger-denger], selama banner gak dicopot. Jadi, kayak gajian tiap bulan gitu... Enak to?

Oh ya, bagi yang sudah dibayar, untuk mencairkan uangnya bisa lewat atau Kalau yang bisanya transfer bank [BNI, BCA, Mandiri] sedangkan yang perfectchanger bisa via bank atau bisa juga via Western Union. Tinggal pilih aja. :)

Gut lak yah :)

Oiya, masang bannernya sembarang kok. Yang penting kepasang aja :). ^_*

Status : Menunggu bayaran kedua dari PM.. :D

Best Website for Your Successful Business

There are many way to succeeding your business. One of them is by optimizing the marketing. To do this, you can make a website, which is the best media to promote, advertise and marketing business product. But, having a website for your business is not enough to bring the successful that you want. You need to make your website at least have a nice design, but that’s not the most important one. You also need to make your website have a great position on search engine page.

So, to full fill all of that need, you just need to visit This website have the best arizona web design service that you can use to make your website become the best, optimize, and effective media to promote and advertise your business. Here you also can get best arizona seo for your business website. But, if you want to get some prove for the quality that offered by this website service, you can browse cool before and after gallery here.

Get everything here to make your business website as your best media to succeeding your business. So, visit now or call the phone number here for more information and start to make a successful business.

Simple Process Of Car and Boat Donations

Nowadays, there are many people out there who still live in poverty. It is our task to help them get out of the difficulties and have a better life. We can help them through many ways; donate our car might be the best way that we can take.

If you also want to donate your car and you have no idea how to send your car to them, Car Angel will help the process easier. This organization specializes in Car Donations for many years. They will help you through the process with no hassle. All you need to do is just giving them a call and they will pick up your car at no cost. If you have some boats that you don’t need anymore, you had better donate it to help other people’s life. You can contact Boat Angel for this kind of donation. They have been working for years in Boat Donations so that they always have excellent services for you. Besides that, you can also Buy Used Boats for charity. Your money will be distributed to the people who need help.
More information is available at Here is the right site where you can find much information on how to send your car to the people. This organization’s services are excellent to make your car donation time more enjoyable.

Get Guidance To Find The Right Care For Your Loved Ones

An extra care is needed by your loved ones when they grow older. Someone should be with them every day to serve their need. If you don’t have enough time to take care of them ever day, put them in a nursing might be the best decision.

However, find a nursing home is not as easy as you thought. It will be a difficult task since there are many things to consider. To make your searching easier, you had better get guidance from elderly care. This site specializes in providing information about seniors’ need. It guides you to analyze if a nursing home is suitable for your loved ones. Here you will find the considerations that you should think of such as the nursing home services. Facilities like meal and recreational are the most important services. Your loved ones will spend their days here so that they need good service to make their life more convenient.

Need more information? All you need to is just visiting This is the right portal to go anytime you need guidance for your loved ones’ need. This site presents many comprehensive articles that will help you a lot in finding the right care for your loved ones.