
Ubuntu Lucid Lynx

Belom pernah dengar versi Ubuntu yang satu ini? Emang iya. Masalahnya itu nama untuk versi mendatang, tepatnya buat versi 10.04. Versi LTS yang rencananya diluncurkan tahun depan pada bulan April. Jadi gak sabar nih, denger denger,, dia bawa keajaiban yang wow...

A lot More Information and Entertainment on Direct TV

Television has been used for many years for people to instantly receive a lot more information and entertainments at home. Today there are so many television channels however most of them only provide the same type of television programs and this situation has made many of us bored.
If you’re a person who wants to bring more excitement and entertainment for your family at home then you’re suggested to visit This website represents an online company that offers you Direct TV as the better way to watch television at home. When you visit this website then you can find many direct tv offers that might be able to meet your needs and your affordability. With direct satellite tv you can get hundreds of television channels from all parts of the world so you’ll able to enjoy so many choices of information and entertainments presented to your family at your home.
With direct tv you can also enjoy a higher television definition which mean you can get better quality of sounds and images displayed in your television at home. You’re very welcome to visit this website to gain a lot more information and features offered by direct tv satellite. For more details please kindly visit this website.

Menanti hadirnya Opera mini 5

Tidak mau kalah dengan yang aplikasi desktop, Opera mini yang mampu menghantarkan negara Indonesia ini diurutan pengguna Opera Mini terbesar kedua diseluruh dunia, menginjak versi 5 beta ato masa uji coba. Nah, si thom ini salah satu penyuksesnya lhoh :D Lha kalo pas mobile, makenya opera mini :)

Dapet Bayaran lagi dari Perfect Money

Sesuai judul. Akhirnya dapet lagi bayaran dari perfectmoney. Gak tanggung tanggung, $20. Sama seperti bulan kemaren sih. Tapi setidaknya ini membuktikan bahwa si PM memang membayar bulanan. Setelah bulan lalu dibayar. Lumayanlah :D

Buying the Best Computer That Fits To Your Needs

Laptop becomes the strong competitor for its older brother, the desktop computer. It is because the laptop offers portability and high mobility that can not be given by computer. There is even invented the new competitors in the industry which are the notebook and tablet computers.

Those new inventions in computer technology bring larger options to choose which one fits you best for your PC. can give you the reference about which one you should buy if you are looking for the most suitable for you. The website gives you a guide to get the best computer based on your everyday and future needs. Whether you want to buy laptop, tablet computer or notebook,

Mari Belajar Adsense Sama-sama

Untuk kali ini thom mengalihkan perhatian ke bisnis yang satu ini. Bukannya apa apa, hanya saja ketika thom sudah jarang dapet job repiu, pemasukan juga berasa banget seretnya :D Masih ada sih satu dua yang masuk, tapi gak 'sedahsyat' pas masa keemasan sewaktu PR 4. Huehehehe
Mengoptimalkan adsense? Why not?

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H

Alhamdulillah, bisa update blog meski frekuensinya jauh banget :D Thom cuman mau ngucapin Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H, Mohon ma'af lahir dan batin atas segala kesalahan thom. Mungkin thom selama ini banyak salah, sering bales komen telat

Paypal ku dah sembuh

Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnya Paypalku udah sembuh. :) Hari ini aku buka ada email konfirmasi dari PayPal kalau accountku sudah rebes dan bisa digunakan lagi. Alhamdulillah..

Ngomong-ngomong soal limit PayPal, emang bener. Kayaknya karena
aku terlalu banyak login dari banyak IP. Kalau dari PayPal sendiri bilang kalau account PayPal ku diakses oleh 'pihak ketiga'. Apa itu berhubungan dengan dulu, ketika aku ingin mencoba login ke PayPal via ponsel; aku tidak tahu. Memang dulu ada notifikasi sesudah aku mencoba membuka akunku via Opera mini. Jadi, buat pengalaman aja lah :)