
Blog ini harus PR 5

Menaikkan Page Rank emang tidak bisa dipastikan. Maksudnya begini. Misal thom sudah tukeran link, komen di blog dofollow, atau optimasi lain 'yang dianggap' bisa menaikkan PR blog; tapi kita tidak bisa memastikan 'Oh, kalo ntar Google PR update PRku bakal naik'. Iya kan? Kita hanya bisa berusaha saja. Masalah hasilnya, Google yang judging.
Ngomong-ngomong PR, blog ini target ke depan adalah kayak judul di atas. Harus ber-PR 5!

Hmm.. emang bukan sesuatu hal yang mudah. PR 4 kemarin saja ngos-ngosan [eh gak ding, orang kemaren gak ngarep, tapi 'dikaruniai' tiba tiba PR 4 huehehehe..]. Tapi apa salahnya dicoba :)
Sambil mencoba cara baru. Ntar deh tak kasih tau cara menaikkan PR dengan caraku tersebut, kalau berhasil. :D Mohon do'anya saja dah biar berhasil. Thom kan juga malu kalau cara yang disarankan tidak terbukti. :D

Yaa.. semakin tinggi kan semakin bagus :D Gengsinya semakin tinggi huehehehe [kalau yan gini enggaklah..] Mau ikutan 'sesuatu' yang syaratnya blog/webnya musti PR 5. OK.. semangat..?!

Maju selangkah lagi..
dengan pasti!...

:D sambil nyanyi-nyanyi buar gak suntuk. ;)

Monggo dicoba proxy rasa baru..

Bermain main dengan web proxy emang asyik. Lha gimana tidak, mainan wajib bagi korban diberlakukannya pemblokiran situs, baik di perusahaan atau sekolah ini, mampu membuka dunia lagi :D Tidak lagi musti keluar [warnet, misal] untuk mengakses facebook, youtube, forum atau situs lain yang diblokir. Cukup mengetikkan alamat web yang ingin dibuka dalam address-barnya web proxy. Enter, jebret. Tampillah si situs. ;)
Temen thom, juga membuat web proxy. Turut serta dalam meramaikan dan membantu netter yang kesusahan :D Alamatnya

Apa Kelebihannya?
Nah, emang apa kelebihan situs web proxy ini dari yang lain? Simak dah ini :

  • Cepat.
    Umumnya web proxy cukup lambat. Nah tidak untuk yang satu ini. Cukup cepat dalam membuka web. Karena, servernya ada di Indonesia dan masih baru. Jadi masih jozz.. Coba deh 'rasakan'
  • Aman.
    Jika ada yang menanyakannya, web proxy ini cukup aman. Jadi gak usah takut buat login login dari web proxy ini. Kalau dari yang web proxy luar kan riskan banget tuh. Data kita bisa dicuri.. Kalau make ini, just take it easy laah ;)
  • Clean and simple design.
    Jadi dak terlalu satanic/ dark kayak biasanya web proxy itu.. Enak dimata pokoke

Tunggu apa lagi?? Buruan.. Alamatnya di

Mengurangi Jatah Internatan

Duh,, sedih banget rasanya baca judulnya saja. Hiks.. Bermula ketika thom mulai sakit-sakitan di sekitar badan. Yah,, gimana enggak. Setiap baru melek sampe ntar mau balik merem lagi nangkringnya di depan komputer. Mbungkuk. Hampir 80% waktu thom di depan komputer euy.. Asyik banget dah waktu itu. Bisa chattingan, blogging, temen baru, ilmu baru, sopwer unik, forum yang gokil dan rame..
Tapi itu kayaknya akan thom tetap nikmati dengan jatah yang dikurangi. Hal itu dikarenakan sejak beberapa hari ini kondisi thom tidak memungkinkan untuk berlama-lama lagi seperti dulu.

Bukan karena ada kesibukan lain. Badan thom terlalu lama di depan komputer dan menuntut haknya untuk kegiatan yang lain. Terutama olahraga, sepertinya. Olahraga bagi thom adalah mengetik dan berlari karena kebelet ke kamar mandi. Dulu... Makanya badanku rasanya gak enak seperti ini.

Sekarang tampaknya harus sedikit disiplin. :D Meskipun masih bisa internetan, tapi jatahnya sekarang thom mulai kurangi. Bagi yang sering liat status thom online, mungkin jarang. Atau mungkin invis aja :D Huehehehehe

Tenang saja kok. Masih di sini monitoring semuanya :D

O. iya. Tunggu kejutan dari thom di bulan Agustus ;) Ada 'sesuatu' huehehehe...

Make Easy With Fish Tank Maintenance

How many times you clean your fish tanks? If you are clean it up rarely, you might should be more careful and take care of your fish. Fish need to in good condition all the time. So, they will always healthy.

But, if you feel lazy or have no time to clean it, why you do not try fish aquarium maintenances? They offer great services. One of them is that offers many featured. Do not worry with their services. They are professional with over 24 years experiences in this sector; fast, easy and affordable levels of service deem necessary.

This online store also provides any accessories for your aquarium, saltwater aquariums, freshwater aquarium and fish supplier beside fish tank maintenance. May be you should know that they are the leader of fish and aquarium supplier in Florida. If you are interested, just call (954) 244-4699 or online via their contact form. They also provide free phone consultation.

Starting business using unsecured personal loans

Now it's easy using unsecured loans to accelerate your business. No worry again if we need some money fastly and urgently. provides services to help you. Just apply and wait for a while of your approval. If you ask why you should use unsecured personal loans from ulservicesonline, here you are. There are many advantages if you use unsecured personal loans. You can apply without any collateral, no hidden costs/ fees, approved in no-time, home ownership is not required also rates and loan amount vary based on credit. It seems the company pro with you, doesn't it?

It's just simple. Just go to unsecured personal loans' website and get APPLY menu. You could borrow money in range $7,500.00 to 150,000.00. If you want to make some free call, here is the number: Toll Free : 800-379-8095, Hours: M-F 10:30am-7:30pm Sat. 11am-3pm EST. Just get advantages with unsecured personal loans. And do right now! Success can not wait till tomorrow. The faster the better.

What's going on with my follower?

Kalau aku perhatikan, aku sering banget tidak melihat isi dari widget followerku deh. Jadi beberapa hari terakhir, kalau pas di home page, widgetnya kosong melompong aja. Tidak ada isinya. Tapi aku juga pernah mendapati widget followerku menampilkan isinya. Aneh..
Apa temen-temen juga mengalami hal serupa?

Atau hanya karena inet di sini lemot aja? Apa google baru maintenance beberapa fiturnya, atau gimana?? Jadi bingung. Tidak ada konfirmasi masalahnya. Atau.. di tempat temen-temen fine-fine saja widgetku??

Kalo bener begitu, aku musti sabar nih menerima inet yang kek gini...


People do need money. Everything can be done with the thing. We can't stand without money. Money, money, and money.. Include when we want to start a new beginning. Starting a new small business for example. Of course, we need much money. How if we do not have as much as we need for our new small business? Do not worry so much about it. You can consider unsecured loans that might help you, if you need some money.

There many unsecured loans online over the internet. Just choose one you like and proper with you. The good thing if we used unsecured loans is we can get their unsecured personal loans without any collateral, approved with no-time, no pre-payment penalties and many more.
You are also free of any applications fees. So, with the ease, you no need to worry to start your lovely business. Unsecured loans is always support us. If you go to, you could get others. Apply online or contact them toll free today to speak with a live unsecured loan officer at: 1-800-379-8095. Apply right now..

Rodeo Drive Solution for Your Beauty

Plastic surgery today is no longer becoming trend but much more like a solution for people who admire beauty. However, with the high technology as the supporter this way actually is mostly highly recommended by many professionals.

Rodeo Drive is the best recommendation for you who want to conduct breast augmentation because they are the best Los Angeles breast augmentation today. Many people trust them in this matter because unlike the other cosmetic surgeon they are not only care to the final size of the breast that the patient admires but also reconsider it to the current condition of the patient to optimize the outcome. Moreover, besides breast augmentation, they are also expert in giving you rhinoplasty service for your nose. There is no point for you to wondering about their reliability in giving you plastic surgery. As the best Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon they dedicated themselves to give you the best service that you deserve in the other words they guarantee the satisfaction for each of their patients.

Plastic surgery actually much safer today to conduct as long as you choose the reliable surgeon to handle it and Rodeo Drive is highly recommended. For the further information about the detail of each service you can visit their website in, and

Buy Blog Reviews Yang Meragukan

Sudah lama sekali thom ikutan germo repiu yang satu ini. Hanysa saja, ini merupakan salah satu broker yang agak pasif bagi thom. Buy Blog Reviews yang modelnya seperti SponsoredReviews, terlihat meragukan belakangan ini. Mulai dari job jobnya yang aneh aneh, sampai nilainya yang kecil kecil. Hmm.. patut dicurigai..

Jika dilihat, tampilannya memang sederhana. Terkesan lebih kaku dari pada SponsoredReviews. Hanya saja, thom pertahankan berkutat di BBB. Sempat depresi berat karena ngebid di sana tidak pernah di terima. Payah bener. Sampai kepikiran jika BBB adalah scam. Bukan saja dari design yang tidak seprofesional SR [SponosredReviews], dari sekian bulan ngebid tidak pernah diterima, juga nilainya yang kadang bikin gigit jari. Maksimal ngebid $3, $2 bahkan ada yang tega ngasih maksimal $1 saja. Weleh.. Tega nian..

Oleh karena itu, sempet banner BBB menghilang dari peredaran blog ini. Tapi tidak bertahan lama, karena ketika blogwalking thom membaca kalau BBB beneran membayar, bahkan sampai 3 digit! Bukan scam. Dari situ, thom mulai memasang lagi bannernya. Satu hal yang thom ingat dalam sebuah blog, saran ketika main BBB/ ngebid di BBB. Jadilah yang termurah, kalau perlu jadi murahan. Karena di BBB, rata-rata orang ngebid pada murahan semua. Gak PR4 gak PR 1, yang 'murahan' siapa dia yang menangin jobnya. Tidak seperti di SR yang ada batas minimal ngebid. Jika di SR, minimal ngebid [ngebid paling murah] adalah $5. Tapi, tampaknya di BBB ngebid sampai $0,xxx pun bisa. Sangat merugikan. Kita di BBB gak punya muka antara yang PR bagus sama yang PR abal abal. Yang penting ngebid murah! Belum lagi, nilai bid tersebut tidak 100% milik kita. Masih ada bagi hasil sama BBB. Lha kalau ngebidnya $1?? Dengan pembagian 60:30 misal [gak tau, ratio pembagiannya berapa], kita cuman dapat $0,6 dun?? Wew..

Itu dulu... :)
Tapi, thom nyadar juga. Toh segitu juga uang. Jika diuangkan masih bisa buat beli es cendol. Makanya itu,, sampai sekarang masih aktip di BBB. Pembayarannya cepat, 2 minggu sekali. Makanya itu, sekarang dah gak mau membuang banner BBBnya, sayang :) Dah alhamdulillah deh, bisa dapet uang sendiri :)

Bagi yang main main repiu, semangat yah.. ;)

Increasing Backlink

I have written how to increase traffic to our site/ blog before. Yeah, traffic is important somehow. But we couldn't forget this thing : backlink. Backlink is links from other blog to our sites. Backlink is very important too to make our site have a good reputation in search engine. Of course, it will make your page rank increase. If we have many backlinks, we have many link-in too.

So, how do we make any backlink? Yeah,, here is the point. We can make some backlink using web directory instead of by blogwalking to other sites/ blogs. Do you know web directory? I am sure you do. Web directories make our blogs have many backlink. Just use free web directory you can find over the internet, such as dmoz, Yahoo! Directory or use this one, SEO friendly web directory. As you know, dmoz is owned by Google. So, if you thought Google doesn't have a web directory, you were wrong. :) Just feel easy to input/ submit your site’s URL to other web directories. Not just one web directory. The more you submit, the better backlink you get.

But, of course we have to wait a few days [usually 1-2 day] before we can see our site in the web directories. Admin of the website usually do a little review of the site we submitted.

Beside free web directory, there are also paid web directory. But, we have to save our budget, right? If there is a free one, why should we use the paid web directory? :D

Oops almost forget, when you fill out the form, don’t forget to insert your main keywords in description and in keyword. As many as possible. Choose the best category of your site. hen just wait and see. Your blog/ site will get backlink soon. Just hope we will get the best and our page rank will be increased.

Restaurant Furniture

Sometimes when we want to go to a restaurant, we consider the comfort of the place despite the foods served. Thus, if you own a restaurant, besides offering great taste of food you should also create an interesting atmosphere in your restaurant. You can do it by using unique restaurant furniture.

If you are looking for the restaurant furniture, you can go to This site is a source for economically priced wholesale commercial furniture for restaurants, hotels, bars, and even night clubs. You can browse from the catalog to find the perfect furniture for your restaurant. In the catalogs, you will find many kinds of furniture such as counter height and bar height bar stools for either indoor or outdoor use, dining chairs, and many more. For the restaurant chairs, they have 18 inch heights chairs to accommodate the standard restaurant table heights.

Furthermore, they also have indoor and outdoor dining tables for bars that can be bought in a package or table tops that can be mixed and matched with restaurant decoration. All the products here are made of the combination of high quality woods and metals. Meanwhile, no matter how much you want to order the furniture, they will be able to accommodate your order. Just go to the site for more information about the restaurant furniture.

Get all Your Printing Needs Online

Are you looking for a printing agency that can provide quality printing products at affordable price? Well, if we are the one who deals with this mater, we certainly have understood that we need to find a reliable and trusted company. Through our printing products, we will show the pride of our company. The quality of our company can also be conveyed through business forms we have. This simply means that we have to consider the company providing our printing products thoroughly. In fact, there are lots of printing companies offering their services but since high quality is very important, we have to be able to find a company that is able to provide high quality printing products. We can compare each company offers and see the products they have resulted.

In our search for a reliable printing company, we can consider a company that is able to provide complete services such as The company claims that they are able to provide any printing needs. This is one stop resource of printing products which are commonly needed by company and personal. We can easily order personal checks at the website and choose any style we want. There are about 850 styles that we can choose that meets our personal needs. There is special deal for second box we order from the website. If we want to save costs, this offer is right for us. We can also order computer checks at the website. The website explains that this product is compatible with most financial software commonly use. The features of the checks will make our job easier.

Further, we can also order business cards that are suitable for us. There are five types of paper on which the cards will be printed. The website also explains that they can ship most order within 24 hours. This means that we can receive our order fast. If you are interested in their offers, you should visit the website for further information.

Gempa eh Gerhana Terlama tahun ini

Tahun ini akan ada gempa eh gerhana total terlama bagi orang Asia. Gerhana matahari yang terjadi pada bulan Agustus tahun kemarin, hanya terjadi sekitar 2 menit 27 detik. Nah, gerhana matahari total yang akan terjadi pada hari ini, Rabu 22 Juli ini, akan menjadi gerhana terlama, yakni sekitar 6 menit 39 detik.

Berita dikutip tanpa perubahan dari kaskus :
Jutaan orang di Asia pekan ini akan menyaksikan gerhana matahari total terlama pada abad ini. Fenomena alam itu akan jelas terlihat di India dan China.

Bahkan, kota Shanghai dan sejumlah pulau di selatan Jepang bakal mengalami gelap di siang hari pada hari Rabu, 22 Juli 2009, waktu setempat. Kegelapan di wilayah-wilayah itu akan berlangsung selama sekitar lima menit.

Tak heran bila para fotografer, pengamat amatir, dan tim ilmuwan berbondong bondong ke China dan India untuk menyaksikan pemandangan yang mungkin hanya terjadi sekali dalam seumur hidup. Para astronom berharap gerhana itu akan mengungkap sejumlah petunjuk mengenai matahari.

Gerhana pertama kali akan muncul pada Rabu dini hari di Teluk Khambhat, India, yang terletak di sebelah utara kota metropolis Mumbai. Pemandangan itu selanjutnya akan tampak bagian timur India, lalu di Nepal, Myanmar, Banglades, Bhutan, dan China sebelum akhirnya muncul di Pasifik.

Terhalangnya pandangan ke matahari oleh bulan dari permukaan bumi itu terakhir akan tampak di Pulau Nikumaroro, Kiribati, yang terletak di Pasifik Selatan. Namun penduduk negara-negara lain di Asia juga bisa melihat gerhana matahari, walau tidak akan total.

Bagi para astronom, gerhana itu akan menjadi peluang untuk memandangi langsung, dalam waktu relatif lama, korona matahari. Benda itu menyerupai cincin putih berjarak 1 juta kilometer dari permukaan matahari.

"Korona itu memiliki suhu 2 juta derajat, namun kami tidak tahu mengapa begitu panas," kata Lucie Green, astronom dari University College, London. "Apa yang ingin kami saksikan adalah gelombang dalam korona. Gelombang-gelombang itu mungkin memproduksi energi pemanas. Itu berarti kami tengah menyelidiki satu elemen dari ilmu matahari," lanjut Green.

Tim ilmuwan juga berharap bahwa gerhana nanti akan memberi petunju atas nyala solar dan struktur-struktur lain dari matahari dan mengapa bisa meletus, kata Alphonse Sterling, ilmuwan dari NASA.

Gerhana total terakhir - yaitu pada Agustus 2008 - berlangsung selama 2 menit 27 detik. Namun gerhana kali ini akan berlangsung lebih lama dan mungkin terlama dalam satu abad terakhir, yaitu 6 menit dan 39 detik

Hanya saja, kita orang Indonesia, tidak bisa menikmati keajaiban alam tersebut. Yaah jauh lah ya,,:D Nongtong di tipi aja deh ya :)

Ini simulasinya :

Bahkan hari Rabu tanggal 22 Juli ini pun turut menyemarakkan momentum ini :

Nah.. siap siap di depan Tipi...

Aneh : Pasang Banner Dibayar

Sudah ada yang tahu perfect money? Ayo angkat tangan.. Eits, jangan tinggi-tinggi, bau.. :D Sebenarnya sudah beberapa waktu yang lalu -- 3/4 mingguan -- tahu masalah si perfect money ini. Dulu tahunya sepertinya dari bloger juga yang pasang di blognya. Tapi waktu itu belum thom tanggapi.

Apa itu Perfect Money?
Jadi si PM ini, nongol untuk meramaikan jagad media pembayaran online. Seperti Paypal, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, de-el-el. Seperti bank online lah. Dia ini masih tergolong baru.

Anehnya dimana?

Nah ini dia anehnya. Mungkin karena dia masih tergolong baru, jadinya membutuhkan promosi. Promosi yang gak sekedar promosi.

Setiap baru mendaftar, kita bisa merekrut anggota baru [sama seperti Paypal] supaya bergabung menggunakan PM. Atau memilih untuk mendapatkan 'reward' hanya dengan memasang banner si PM. Gak tanggung tanggung, langsung menghebohkan. 1 PR Blog dihargai $10. Tapi, syaratnya blog harus ber PR 2 atau lebih. Dan jika banner sudah dipasang, setiap bulan kita akan mendapatkan imbalan PR x $10. Berarti kalau thom ikutan, berpeluang mendapatkan $40 dong sebulan?? Lumayan juga tuh :D Makanya nih thom ikutan. Lumayan kalau bener membayar.

Hanya, saja kok dia [PM --red] berani yah open-hand, mengundang blogger buat pasang banner PM kemudian gak tanggung tanggung bayarnya $10/PR rek... Selain menggiurkan tentu ini juga sarat 'jangan-jangan'..

Tapi jika dilihat dari sisi yang lain, menggunakan cara ini merupakan cara termudah dalam mendapatkan lonjakan peringkat. Langsung naik drastis dia pastinya. Yang mendukung blog PR 2 lebih euy... Idenya emang gila! Habis berapa trilyun aja tuh buat bayar bloggernya?

PM vs PayPal
Sebenarnya bagus juga sih si PM ini. Jika dibandingkan dengan Paypal yang setiap transaksi ada fee-nya. Bisa dikatakan si PM ini hampir gratis. PM pokoke benar-benar pro-blogger banget. Pokoke mendapat restu dan dukungan dari kita kita yang menyukai hal-hal gratisan dan murah berkualitas :D Tapi kenapa masih memakai PayPal? Yaa karena dukungannya dah kemana-mana. Hampir semua pembayaran melalui PayPal. Masih jarang yang pembayaran melalui PM..

Ikutan Pasang Banner
Makanya kalau sekarang lihat ke bagian kanan agak bawahan dikit blognya thom ini, ada bannernya Perfect Money. Tertarik iut juga? Ini tak kasih sedikit panduannya, semoga gak ada yang kurang
  • Masuk ke webnya PM.
  • Klik Sign Up » isikan data-datamu. Setelah selesai dan mendapatkan email konfirmasi tentang IDmu,
  • Login dulu :D
  • Geser Window mentok ke bawah dan temukan tulisan PM for Business pada bagian footer
  • Cari tulisan Reward to site owners with logo of Perfect Money dan isikan alamat blogmu. Blog berbahasa Indonesia bisa diterima.
  • Pasang banner PM-nya. Untuk banner, bisa dilihat pada menu Program Afiliasi [Affiliate Program]. Save gambarnya kemudian upload hostingan favoritemu..
  • Setelah itu, masuk ke blogger » Layout » Edit HTML
  • Kasih centang pada Expand Widget Templates
  • Masukkan bannernya. Jika masih bingung, format penulisan kodenya seperti ini

    Jangan lupa --> diganti dulu --> diganti dengan alamat tempat hosting gambar.
    Tag <img src=""> --> diedit jadi <img src="" />

  • Selesai.. :)
  • Untuk pengambilan uang, bisa melalui jasa penukaran uang.
    For example : atau di
Yang sekarang thom tunggu adalah, the money. Beneran membayar atau enggak.. Just wait and see. Gak ada salahnya mencoba. Pasang banner gak rugi juga :D

Blog ini Agustus milad

Ada yang menggembirakan dari bulan Agustus. Selain banyak job pastinya ['kan mau tujuh-belasan..] di luar ngeblog, thom juga ada milad blog. Tapi, ngemeng-ngemeng,, mau ada apa yah??

Maunya sih ada yang 'wah' atau 'wew' lagi di blog ini. Biar gak sepi dan terkesan. Supaya tambah terkenal gitu,, :D Tapi masih mikir-mikir nih mau ada apaan

Kalau aku jalan jalan, dikit dikit kontes. Dikit dikit kontes. Hmm tapi kok aku tidak merasakan sesuatu yang 'ngeh' kalau mau mengadakan kontes. Selain itu, kok kayaknya gak mampu.. :D Padahal kalau dipikir pikir, pasti dengan kontes aku bisa jadi lebih eksis. Entah kenapa deh, aku agaks gimanaaa gitu. Jadi ma'af, thom masih belum ada niat ke arah situ.

Oh ya,, kalau memasuki tahun kedua blog ini ganti kulit bagaimana? Ada yang sejutu? Kalau gak pada sejutu, ya dah make ini aja. Thom sudah terlanjur suka sama ini. Lagi pula, mengganti template di blogger adalah hal yang suangat anti bagi thom. Terlalu ribet masalahnya. Pertama harus backup template dulu, habis tuh baru pasang template yang baru, kemudian perlu seharian buat memasukkan aksesories wal skrip tambahan, baik itu gambar, tracker Google. Belom lagi kalau nanti widgetnya. Blom juga kalau masalah pengaturan widget yang tidak sesuai [kan template baru..] Jika diambil konsekuensi terburuk, kok ya repot juga jika kehilangan widget kesayangan.. Belum lagi memindah hosting gambar yang dipakai si template, supaya blognya gak lelet amat. De-el-el

Yang jelas, perlu dipikir dua kali atau lebih jika ingin mengganti template. Lagi pula udah jadi ciri khas thom kok kayaknya kalau templatenya seperti ini. :D

Over all, do you have any ideas?

Dapet gratisan lagi..

Ponselku bunyi jam 13:38 We-I-Be. Ada SMS. Nah, thom buka deh.
+628138838xxxx :
Hoster2u.Com : selamat anda terpilih mendapatkan domain & hosting gratis. Aktivasi domain tgl 01/08/2009, info lengkap kunjungi

Sender :

Hmm.. Kok pemberitahuan pake sms?? Biasanya kan pake email atau ditelpon. Coba ah dicek dolo,, jangan jangan penipuan,,,

Taraaa... Namaku ada euy..

Pelanggan yang terhormat,

Terima kasih atas partisipasinya dalam program domain dan hosting gratis dari Hoster2u.Com

Kami telah menentukan siapa saja yang beruntung mendapatkan domain dan hosting gratis, berikut 10 orang yang beruntung.

5 orang yang beruntung mendapatkan domain dan hosting gratis:
1. Mimin Hari Wahyuni (minehaway@x.z / 0815866168xx)
2. Muhammad Sholikhan (sholikhan@x.z / 0856411914xx)
3. Thom ( / 0813926332xx)
4. Yohanes Kurnia Irawan (thejorok@x.z / 0813260080xx)
5. Aris W (aw_616@x.z / 081518166xx)

Alhamdulillah.. Mau diisi apa ya?? :D

OS Chrome mungkin seperti ini...

Sudah pasti penasaran dengan yang namanya OS Chrome yang dijanjikan bakal menjadi salah satu pesaing Micosoft. Mengulas sedikit, OS Chrome merupakan OS besutan Google, yang diciptakan untuk menyaingi Microsoft. Bahkan, perusahaan besar ternama seperti Intel, Lenovo, HP, de-el-el sudah menyatakan siap mendukung munculnya OS baru ini. Tampaknya ini merupakan serangan balik Google untuk Microsoft dalam kasus lahirnya Bang Bing kemaren yang mengusung tema [baca: mengumbar niat gombal] menggulingkan Google, karena Google juga mengusung tema yang kurang lebih sama.

OS Chrome dirancang sebagai Sistem Operasi yang web based. Gimana ceritanya tuh?? Dapet gambarannya?? Jadi, semua hal dilakukan melalui web. Jika berbicara web, pastinya membutuhkan koneksi internet. Hmm,, gak cocok dong dipakai di Indonesia?! Gak taulah. Kita tunggu saja tanggal mainnya taon depan. Kalau boleh nebak, mungkin OS Chrome kurang lebih seperti ini eyeOS kali yah. Perlu diketahui, eyeOS merupakan web based OS.

Tertarik mencobanya? Ada dua pilihan. Bisa secara online atau secara offline. Atau dua-duanya, kayak thom? :D Jika ingin mencoba aplikasi ini, cukup ke situs resminya eyeOS atau kalau pengen mencobanya langsung, bisa ke My eyeOS. Kalau mau mencoba, mesti registrasi dulu supaya bisa masuk. Cepet kok. Cuman memasukkan username, password udah. Create langsung. Atau, masukin ini saja :
username thom--
pass thom-- [jangan diganti yah, buat kemudahan bersama].

Lumayan bagus lhoo.. Mempunyai sistem operasi yang portable, se-portable-portable-nya portable pokoke. Bisa diakses darimana saja, kapan saja. Bisa simpan file juga disini. Bahkan, aplikasi pengolah katanya support *.doc dan *.odt. Ada player-musicnya juga. Pokoke, dari RSS reader, browser [namanya : navigator], aplikasi perkantoran [word, presentasi, excel] sampai multimedia bisa :) Pokoke lengkap deh.

Uniknya, thom login ke akun eyeOS, lalu membuka navigator. Kepikiran juga ini kan OS-web-based? Berarti bisa tak buka dari browsernya eyeOS dun.. Thom coba deh. Eh lha dalah.. bisa, bedanya, kita langsung masuk, gak pake login dulu. Dari eyeOS yang dijalankan di navigator itu, thom coba buka navigator lagi, lalu masuk ke eyeOS lagi. Bisa juga! Terakhir, thom buka navigator lagi. Lalu membuka web radio streaming kesayangan. Menikmati lagu-lagu metal [melo total] pengundang rasa kantuk :D Tapi unik wal aneh juga,, :D

Sayangnya, kalau temen-temen punya kompi yang lumayan lelet wal lemot dalam hal RAM dan benwit, mungkin tidak cocok untuk yang mencoba secara online. Sebagai gantinya, eyeOS menyediakan persi donlotnya. Jadi bisa dicoba di rumah. Cara menjalankannya hanya seperti instalasi wordpress offline itu.. Tertarik? Klik untuk download .

Mengapa Malas Ngeblog

Simple sebenarnya. Banyak blogger yang kemudian berhenti ngeblog. Alasannya tidak ada ide, mood baru tidak mendukung, de-es-be. Satu hal, biasanya mereka hanya ikut-ikutan. Atau merasa jenuh karena $$$ gak kunjung datang seperti yang diharapkan sewaktu dulu niat menjalani blog. Atau yang lain.

Coba beralih sedikit ke jaringan sosial Facebook. Mengapa orang sedemikian hebohnya jika bermain pesbuk? Sampai ada yang bela-belain gak kerja malah. [Ada lhoo yang sampai kayak gitu..] Jika ditelusuri, sebenarnya akan ketemu dengan kunci jawaban untuk soal Mengapa Malas Ngeblog.

Ada satu hal yang unik. Asyik. Itu kuncinya. Mengapa orang bisa keasyikan pesbuk [dalam kasus ini]? Karena mereka menemukan seninya orang berpesbuk ria. Login » set status » chat atau nambah teman atau main game [kalau temenku], jualan, ikut poll atau komunitas de-el-el.. [tidak hafal semua. Hanya menyebutkan yang dilakukan temen; thom mah gak pernah mau mainan kek begituan :D] Itulah seninya orang berpesbuk. Begitupun orang yang sudah menemukan seni ber-SMS ria.

Kenapa ngeblog tidak bisa memberi efek yang sama? Siapa bilang?! Yang sudah keranjingan ngeblog, thom yakin sudah menemukan alur seni blogging. Dan oleh karena itu, ngeblog adalah seni. Tidak sekedar untuk mencari materi. Seni mempunyai cakupan yang lebih luas daripada materi. Bolehlah jika alasan utamanya mencari uang dari internet, tapi thom yakin jika hanya berlandasan itu saja, kita tidak akan merasakan asyiknya ngeblog. Yang pada akhirnya akan menemukan kejenuhan.

Seni == orang kebelet
Jika berbicara seni, thom jadi ingat satu hal. Seni itu seperti orang kebelet. Maksudnya, jika orang kebelet, harus segera 'dikeluarkan'. Tidak bisa menunggu lagi. Nah, sudahkan kita kebelet dalam ngeblog?? :D

Menggarisbawahi kalimat pada paragraf pertama, jika kita melakukan ngeblog dengan seni, kita akan selalu kreatif dalam ngeblog. Ketika ada kesempatan, langsung tampil beda. Tidak ada 'kehabisan ide'. Yang ada hanya 'sedang menunggu/ mencari ide'. ;)

Intinya, Happy Blogging, Keep Blogging dan Be Creative.
Semoga bermanfaat aja deh..

Bukti nyata, monitor LCD dari internet

Sebenernya mau tak taroh screenshot barangnya, hanya saja gak punya camera sih :D jadinya cerita aja. Setelah minggu kemaren deg degan sewaktu withdrawal, thom sekarang sudah bisa tersenyum lega karena sekarang sudah nyampe.

Sabtu kemaren menjadi saksi dan hari yang tak terlupakan [bukan nikahan lho ya... Blom untuk yang satu itu :) ]. Masalahnya pada hari tersebut thom mengambil uang yang kemaren thom withdraw. Deg degan juga waktu pegang uang Rp 1 juta pertama yang di dapat sendiri. Lalu pada hari itu juga thom langsung beli monitor LCD merek LG Flatron 16" Widescreen. Padahal pengen yang 19" Widescreen. Tapi apa daya.. cuman kuat buat beli yang 16" saja. Tapi tetep alhamdulillah, sudah syukur bisa beli LCD monitor. :)

---> Buat mbah, sekarang tagihan listrik bisa agak murahan dikit.. :)

Paling tidak, thom bisa memenuhi kebutuhan thom sendiri. Tidak terlalu tergantung babe. Kasihan juga kalo sudah gede gini masih mengandalkan orang tua. Malu rasanya sekarang tuh kalau minta uang ama ortu. Rasanya gimanaa gitu...

Nah, overall, thom hanya ingin mengatakan jika mencari uang melalui internet itu nyata, bisa dan butuh perjuangan. Jangan percaya deh kalau ada yang sampai menjanjikan baru join langsung jebret ratusan $$$. Jika sudah tahu ilmunya, mungkin hal tersebut bukan hal yang sulit. :) Yang dapetnya $100/day juga dulunya perjuangan berat, tidak baru join langsung dapet segitu. Tetep ingat proses lah :)

Pokoke, temen temen sesama blogger, semangaaat.. ! Jangan cepet menyerah :)
Target besok apa ya?? Modem baru ato RAM ato HaPe?? **mikir-mikir**

Eh, jadi inget, lom traktir temen-temen.. Hmm.. besok besok aja deh :D Next payment ajah kali y :D

The Recommended Place to Buy Wedding Favors

Wedding is the most beautiful moment that we celebrate in our lives. There a lot of preparations required in order to make such event memorable for the couple or simply for anyone. Providing the wedding favors is also one of the preparations necessary in the wedding. When we buy the favors it’s wise to always choose the favors that perfectly match with the wedding theme.

There are so many places where we can find and buy the wedding favors however not all of them may provide us more complete product selection. If you’re a person who seeks for the best place to buy the favors then you’re very welcome to visit This website represents an online store which is highly recommended since it offers you a very large collection of wedding favors. There are also many choices of cute and beautiful bridal shower favors and you’re free to select the one that would possibly match to your wedding theme.

If you’re searching for the wedding party favors then Gala Wedding Favors is the right place that you should visit. You’re very welcome to visit this website to gain more information about the company’s profile and learn more about the product and service details.

Fish Tank Maintenances

Do you have an aquarium? If you do, how often do you usually clean it? You know that the condition of the aquarium or the fish tank is important for the health of the fish. Ideally, you should clean the fish tank every two weeks. However, I know that maintaining the fish tank is not easy. It can be such a waste of time if you don’t have the right equipment for the maintenance.

If you don’t want to experience the hassle in the aquarium maintenance, you can use fish tank maintenance service. If you are living in Florida, you can go to to get the fish tank maintenances services. This site is an online store of salt water aquariums and fresh water aquarium, fish supplies and maintenance company. They are the leader in aquarium supplies of Florida. If you want to buy the aquarium, you can call (954) 244-4699. Besides the aquarium, they also provide aquarium accessories of Florida. They will make your aquarium looks great. Beside, offers salt water aquarium maintenances South Florida.

They offer the cheapest price of products and services in the industry. There is no better place for salt water aquarium supplies of Florida than this site. Meanwhile, for the maintenances, they offer the best quality of work. Moreover, they will not only will clean and maintain the fish tank but they will also educate you how to take good care of your fish.

English Tea Store

Do you like to have a cup of tea in the morning? If you do, you should read through this post because it will show you a site where you can find many kinds of tea to enjoy. In the site you can enhance your knowledge about the tea. The site I’m talking about is

You know that tea is the most popular beverage in the world. Asian and European enjoy the tea to accompany their free time. Thus, this site will provide with information about the tea world. It is an online tea store where you can find various kinds of tea of different flavors include cinnamon, holiday spiced, jasmine, lemon, and many more. The tea bags are in English style but they have no strings and tags. Moreover, the tea bags are 50% larger than the US style tea bags. It means that you can have more tea in a tea bag.

Meanwhile, for the tea chests, they have offer tea chests in three finishes options such as light, cherry, and black cherry. The options are also available in standard and deluxe options. They are made in decorative design that will be great for gifts to friends and relatives.

SEO Tips for You

Internet has provided us so many things, including some great ways to make money. For some users who know, the internet provides the almost unlimited chances to earn much money, something that a little bit hard to do in the real world. If you have already familiar about the internet making money ways, you must be familiar with the SEO.

SEO is the search engine optimization. This is a collection of techniques and link structure development whose focus to gain better site rank on search engine indexes. There are several ways to optimize your site, such as make your site search engine friendly, write relevant keywords in the meta tags, update often, and get back links from highly ranked sites if possible.

In the, you would be able to get some tips to optimize your site. You may get some Ways of SEO. If you need some software, you may get the SEO software in this site as well. You would be able to Get free traffic by SEO. So, if you are interested with this search engine optimization, click this site and get some tips inside. You would have some tips and your site would be search engine friendly.

Equipments for Kids

Some parents must always feel that their kids are the best gifts that God ever gave to them. That explains why parent always want to give the best for their kids. From the day they were born, the parents have already tried to give the best for the baby. When they grow older and about to ready to enter the kindergarten, the parents already set so many things for them.

To make your children’s life perfect, there are so many things that you need to take care of. There are plenty of babies and kids’ needs that parents must know and must provide. For some kids who are ready to go to their first school, the parents must prepare the toddler backpacks for them. They would need those backpacks to carry their stuff with them.

If you need to get some stuff for your kids, you may visit the In this site, you would be able to get so many things for your kids. You may get the nap mat for them. You could also search for the kids backpacks in this site. There are many kinds of kids’ stuff in this site that certainly your kinds would love to have.

It's Waiting Time

Hari Hajatan Agung oleh, dari dan untuk Rakyat hari Rabu kemarin ternyata masih menyisakan bekas. Tapi thom di sini tidak ingin membicarakan hasil quick count yang bagi sebagian pihak menuai banyak kontroversi.. Tapi, ini berhubungan dengan PayPal.

Lhoh?? Mana ada hubungannya antara Pemilu dengan Paypal?? Kan beda segmen tuh? Emang bener. :D Ceritanya,, paginya sebelom pemilu, thom membuat suatu keputusan bahwa it's my turn to do withdrawal. Udah kebelet euy.. Keburu pengen mau beli LCD monitor.

Jadilah sekitar jam 5-an, thom login ke akun Paypal. Selanjutnya melakukan withdrawal. Hmm.. deg degan juga. Takutnya, kode cliring yang untuk Bank Muamalat [akun bank thom] tidak valid. Jangan jangan....

Pengalaman withdrawal pertama

Hmm ini merupakan pengalaman withdrawal thom. Tentu saja thom tidak punya pengalaman sedikitpun. Just do and see.. Makanya ini tadi seharian [Kamis] thom harap-harap cemas. Masuk gak yah?? Masuk gak yah?? Yaa pertimbangannya, kalau gagal kan sayang juga, uang segitu [nominal rahasia :D]..

Nah, tapi, kemudian jam 7 sore, habis sholat Isya, thom pergi keluar pengen nyari makan. Eh temen kos thom nebeng, minta dianter ke ATM. Jadi sekalian aja deh thom ambil kartu ATM. Mo ikutan lihat saldo. *Harap harap cemas*

Kata teman thom yang udah withdrawal, katanya sih 2 hari lebih beberapa jam. Nah kalau seperti itu, Jum'at sore thom baru dapet menikmati the money. Kalau dari pihak Paypalnya, dalam rentang waktu 2-4 hari --lama yah nunggunya :D?!. Tapi, berhubung Kamis siang thom login ke Paypal sudah mendapati ada keterangan 'Complete' pada baris withdrawal, makanya thom iseng-iseng ke bawa kartu ATM juga.

Sesampainya di ATM, taraaa... Gak nyampai 2 hari, udah nyampe!!!! Sipplah. Pokoke cukup buat beli monitor baru huehehehe.. Alhamdulillah, dah nyampe dengan selamat.

Besok Sabtu aaah.. Sekalian mudik :D

Make All Your Money Worth With Zenni Optical

The money is very important especially in this modern world. We all know that people around the world currently is suffering the severe global economic crisis. Due to such condition therefore we need should use and spend the money wisely and make sure that each penny we spent is worth to what we deserve to have.

There are many ways to use your money wiser and more efficient is perhaps can be your best and reliable reference to use your money. This website would give you knowledge on How You Can Start Spending Smart. For instance if you need to buy the eyeglasses then this website will let you know how to make all your money worth it. If you’re about to search for a product that worth to your money then you’re advised to visit and have you chance to watch the Zenni Optical on TV!!!

Zenni Optical can also be viewed in With all the detail specification as well as the benefits given then we should give a High Five to Zenni Optical as the best product. You’re very welcome to visit this website and learn more about the product details and other features offered within.

Menghilangkan Windows Genuine Activation

Bagi yang sering terhubung internet, mungkin notifikasi di samping akan sangat mengganggu, jika kita lupa untuk men-disable 'Automatic Updates' yang dilakukan oleh Windows. Hal tersebut karena si Windows melakukan update Sistem Operasi ke situsnya Microsoft tanpa memberi tahu dahulu dan si Microsoft sebelum melakukan update selalu memeriksa 'status kelegalan' sistem operasi yang digunakan. Tentu saja, faktor utamanya adalah sistem operasi yang digunakan dideteksi 'ilegal' oleh Microsoft. :) Hayoo ngaku.. :D
Nah bagaimana cara menghilangkan WGA (Windows Genuine Activation)? Yoo simak cara di bawah ini :)
Windows Genuine Activation

Langsung saja yah :
  • Masuk ke tempat juragan. Blog itu adalah salah satu blog teman thom. Silahkan cek sendiri di sana Bagaimana cara menghilangkan Windows Genuine Activation
  • Selesai :D
Itung itung ikut mempromosikan blog teman sendiri huehehe. Habis, blognya sudah gak diurus. Barangkali jika thom ikutan promosi blognya dia, dia semangat ngeblog lagi. :D

Wholesale Handbags

Fashion trend is not merely about the clothes. It is also about the accessories such as bags, jewelry, hats, and many more. The accessories can make someone more fashionable. Thus, the fashion accessories are also haunted by the fashion freaks. If you are looking for fashion accessories, you can go to

In this site you can find many kinds of handbags including western, rhinestones buckle, cross buckle, camouflage handbags, and many more. Moreover, they offer wholesale handbag selling to give the lower price of the handbags. They have been selling wholesale handbags for about six years. Besides selling handbags for wholesale customers, they also offer retail shops, boutique stores, flea market vendors, kiosk shops and home based customers. Meanwhile, if you are looking for a wallet, they also have some collections of wholesale slat frame opera womens wallets in a variety of designs such as army look and polka dot.

To add your style, you can also search at the hats and caps sections. They offer wholesale rhinestone caps that will be great for you to wear. Further, you can also search for belts to give you complete look. Just go to this site and search for the products you need for your style.

Residential Mailboxes

Mailbox is an important home component. It functions as a place for any letters and documents sent to our address. It is important to keep the documents safe from the rain. Thus, if you don’t have a mailbox in your home, you should buy one. You can go to to search for the right mailbox in your home.

Mailboxixchange is an online mailbox supplier. They offer the widest selection of residential mailboxes and commercial mailboxes in the internet. The mailboxes are offered in many kinds of designs and styles to meet every customer’s need. You can choose either single unit or multi-unit mailboxes for your home mailbox. Meanwhile, for apartment, you can choose wall mount mailboxes. Besides the selling the whole mailboxes, they also sell mailbox components, mail slots, address plaques, and curbside decor. Furthermore, they are able to provide any order from individual homeowner to 400 unit residential building.

The mail boxes in this site are all offered in high quality and great designs to ensure the satisfaction to the customers. So, if you are looking for a mailbox, there is no other place to go other than Mailboxixchange. Just search for the mailbox that fit your need and home style.

Spending 10 Minutes for Credit Repair solution

Facing some problems with your credit payment, make you have to spend more days searching for extra money to cover the late payments or penalties from the lender. You might do not have plan to finally involved in credit or debt, but instigation of financial needs make you have to deal with loans or credit term. Finally, it makes you have bad credit, which makes some loans provider have to consider about your loan approval.

Through here, you only need one good solution to clear your bad credit. is online website provides solution for people who facing credit problems such as bad credit history. This site I suggest you as best place to credit repair in which you can get some valuable solutions such as they will help you to discover a way to get approved for almost anything loan, save your money more by not having to pay interest rates, increase your credit score through repair credit.

Additionally, you are not only deliver solution but also important information of people who already use their assistance and receive positive impact in which they can get loan such as auto loan from fix credit service. Other benefits that you can get from here are great low interest rate for new credit, refinance home, start new small business and many more. Its only takes your time about 10 minutes to fill out the form. Get this online service as your alternative to avoid bankruptcy and start a new mortgage loan.

Procure Online Clothing thru Buying Guide

Dealing with online shopping may make you have to always update information of latest clothes or other products necessarily. Conversely, buying clothes through online internet is also need to be careful because you do not see the product directly instead of looking it through display on the site. Here I recommended as the best online guide for you or anyone who looking for product through online effort.

Through shopwiki, you will provide information in term of description, tips and types. You are not only able to view product of clothing for women but also Clothing for Kids, you may need this guide when your kid asks you to buy some new clothes. While for teenagers, there is Clothing for Girls with various clothing options such as casual clothes, underwear, swimwear and schoolwear. In addition, there is footgear and accessories. In their age (teenager) they had better try various styles in case they will not stuck on one monotonous style, and it is good on their mentally development.

On the other hand, Casual Clothing for Girls is also providing in several styles with attractive color and design that absolutely fix in your daughter or son’s body. By clicking one of clothes’ options, you will deliver more information such as cost and external links to online shop. Your shopping will be easy and fun since you simply start it all through Shopwiki and it brings you to other links. Expand your search for your daughter on Dress Clothing for Girls and I assure she will love it! Visit the website now!

Unsecured Loans from

If you are in need of cash for any purposes, you can consider unsecured loan as an option. Unsecured loans are type of loans that need no collateral in the application process. Since they don’t require any collateral, the process is also faster than the secured loans. Moreover, the unsecured loans can also be granted by anyone with any credit record.

For people looking for the unsecured loans, is the right place to go. This site provides unsecured loans in easy and fast way. When you apply for the unsecured loans in this site, you will get the approval notification in the same day. Moreover, they also offer free consultation about the amount of the loans you need. Meanwhile, they also give the best possible term. The other benefits are secure and confidential, experience and results, and of course with no collateral.

If you are about to start a new business, they also offer start up business loans for your business capital. You know that capital is important for a new business. Thus, the business loans will be very helpful in starting your business. Meanwhile, for your individual needs, you can also apply for the unsecured personal loans. Simply fill out the pre-qualification form and submit it to check whether you are qualified for the unsecured

Hati-Hati Yang tidak Nyontreng

Yap.. Hari ini adalah tanggal 8 Juli 2009, yang merupakan Hari Pencontrengan seluruh Indonesia. Nah, bagi para blogger yang sudah cukup umur alias sudah 17++, Contreng yah? Jangan samapi tidak. Golput diharamkan lhoo sama MUI.
Oya.. hati hati lho yang tidak nyontreng

Nah yang berencana gak mau nyontreng, hati-hati lho.. Pemerintah sudah menetapkan bahwa warga negaranya yang tidak mencontreng tidak akan mendapatkan permen..
*gedubraks, becanda :D*

Pokoke, jangan sampai gak nyontreng yah. Mari kita bersama-sama sukseskan Pemilu.. Kita tentukan nasib Bangsa Indonesia 5 tahun ke depan.. jangn menentukannya lewat demonstrasi-demonstrasi,.. Sampai bosen lihat beritanya di TiPi :D Sebenernya itu yang mau thom sampaikan. :D OK.. Thom juga mau nyontreng nih. Selamat Mencontreeeeeng...

Note & Tips Bagi Golputer : Dari pada golput, mending ke TPS, ambil surat suara trus contreng tuh tiga tiganya. Biar adil huehehehehe.. Yang penting sudah menunaikan kewajiban. Istilah kerennya membatalkan wajib :D

Jangan sampai gak nyontreng yah..

College Research Paper

Every student at any level is required to make a research paper. Writing a research paper is a daunting task if you have no experience in writing a paper before. No matter how smart you are, writing a research paper will still put you in a stressful condition. Fortunately, to ease your burden, there are some writing companies offering research paper service for students.

One of the writing service companies offering the college research paper is They offer the best possible solution for students. They offer the custom research papers for students at any level from high school essay to dissertations. Their writers have Master and PhD degree that also have the experience in making the custom research paper and essay writing. They also offer the papers with the highest standards of academic writing to ensure you get the best possible score for the research paper.

In the left side of the website you can find the writing services offered which are book report, dissertation, essay, research paper, term paper, and thesis. So, if you need term paper help, you can contact them to order the service. Meanwhile, they also offer admission service, editing service, and resume service. Visit this site or contact them at 1-877-438-5449 to order the research paper.

Search for Rents at

Are you a freshman looking for a rent to stay during your college time? If you are, it may be quite difficult to find for a place to rent. However, now you don’t need to worry since I’ll show you a site that will help you finding the best rent. In this site, you can search for so many options of rent at the place you want to stay.

The site I’m talking about is This site is an advanced housing rental site the cover United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. It was established in 2003 with a goal to help customers finding the right place to stay. In this site, you can search over thousands of rooms, flat shares, rental apartments and houses. Meanwhile, you can also search for roommates and flat mates that you think will go along well with you.

They have an easy search tool that can be used to search for the rental you need. You simply need to type your city, town, or college to get the information about the availability of rentals near your place. However, to be able to use the service, you should first become the member. So, go to this site now and sign up for a free membership.

Decorate your Home and Garden in Style

Are you planning to have an outdoor party? If you are, you should ensure that your garden is ready to welcome your guests. So, have you got what it takes for your beautiful garden party? If you haven’t, I suggest you to go to This site is the right source to find the finest home and garden decor and accessories. They offer wide range of brass, copper, wood, and steel home and garden accessories that will give different feel for your home. They have weathervanes, wind chimes, copper wall art, wood and vinyl roof top cupolas, pure copper finials and many other home and garden accessories.

Some people may not realize that the top of the house is also important to be decorated. It is important since people from distance will recognize your home from the top of your home. Thus, giving a different thing on the top of your house can be a sign so that your guests can easily find your home. For the top of your home, a weathervane will be a nice choice. In this site you have various options of weathervanes made with brass and copper directional, spacer balls and ornament figures that will stand for the whole season and UV exposure. You can choose estate weathervanes, full size weathervanes, cottage weathervanes, and mounting weathervanes.

Moreover, to give different look for your home, you can also decorate the top of it with vinyl cuploas. They offer both vinyl and wood rooftop cupolas for home and garden decoration. Meanwhile, if you plan the outdoor party at night, you can choose oil lamps for the outdoor lighting. They have pure copper oil lamps in small, medium and large sizes for the lighting options. So, if you want to impress your guests in your next outdoor party, you can start decorate your home and garden with the home and garden decoration from HG Lifestyle.

LinkWorth Ngaco!

Aku dah berkali kali dikecewain ama si germo repiu yang satu ini. Gimana enggak? Masak aku sudah beberapa kali ini disodorin dengan job yang ada hubungannya alias mengarah ke yang berbau esek-esk?? Emang dari sisi konten menjurus ke situ kah?

Enggak deh. Atau dia ngeliat blog ane muka mesum makanya disodorin kek gitu?
Payah bener dia berarti. Gak mengerti seni berblog ria. Apalagi template bagus begini...

Yang pertama, aku dapet job buat ngerepiu something kek obat kuat. Aku gak tahu, waktu itu, jadi aku approve langsung. Maklum.. Job pertama. Baru deh setelah aku app, aku baca deskripsinya. Lho?! Kok gitu? Waktu itu juga, aku cancel. Bodo' amat.

Yang selanjutnya kemarin ini. Lebih parah. Ada yang pake girl girl itu, ada yang obat kuat juga, pokoke serba esek-esek lah. Ada 5 job, semuanya kek gitu! Waduh..

Yaa.. tahu kek gitu, aku gak app deh. Cuman tak biarin aja. Kalo di LinkWorth, emang sistemnya rebutan job kayak di SponsoredReview. Bedanya disana gak ada istilah 'bid'.

Semoga lain kali aku gak dapet kek gitu dah. Amit-amit! Jangan pula jobnya dipenuhin poker/casino.. Amin. [Ket : Thom takut rejekinya gak barokah kalo nerima/ngerjain job yang kek gitu]

And The Winner is..

Memang peperangan search engine selalu asyik untuk diikuti. Termasuk si Bang Bing, si pendatang baru dengan ambisinya yang ingin menghabisi Mbah Google, gara-gara pamornya yang sangat incredible. Hmm.. kalau di Indonesia mungkin setara dengan peperangan operator seluler, M3 ama XL; kali ya?! Huehehehe..

Back to topic. Meski si Bang Bing ingin mendepak Mbah Google dengan selorohnya yang tinggi banget [kayak selorohnya Agnes yang pengen GoInternational, tapi gak kesampaean] :D -- tapi nyatanya belum ada buktinya. Yahoo yang seumuran Mbah Google aja belom mampu di kalahkan.. Tapi biarlah. Toh biar kita juga banyak pilihan. Pastinya Bang Bing, Google, Yahoo dan search engine yang lain punya hal yang bisa dibanggakan :D

Disamping itu semua, dari peperangan search engine ini siapa yang menang?

statistik search engineNah cek aja via grafik di samping. Bisa dilihat sendiri siapa yang memenangkan pertarungan. :D Jagoanmu menang gak nih? Kalau jagoanku off course laah :D Google gitu looh :D

Selain pertarungan search engine, kita juga bisa monitoring pertarungan antar browser, antar mobile browser, Mobile search bahkan sampai perbandingan Operating System!

Hmmm. keren banget tuh. Berikut ini merupakan pertarungan browser yang sangat mengejutkan1! Ternyata IE menduduki posisi tertinggi dalam penggunaannya. Thom pikir Mozilla yang merupakan rajanya browser. Yaa,, mungkin juga karena si IE ini merupakan browser yang bundled dengan OS [baca : Operating System]. Mosok ditingkat Asia sampe tingkat dunia IE adalah rajanya. Wew.. Tapi yang menenangkan, di tingkat nasional Mozilla tetep menjadi number one :D

Ya udah deh dari pada thom kebanyakan ngoceh, langsung aja, ini dia grafiknya :

statistik browser

Eh lupa. Kalau mau melakukan riset sendiri, langsung aja ke Tinggal klak klik aja lalu tunggu hasilnya :)

Setengah Isi atau Setengah Kosong

Hanya selingan saja. Thom ada sedikit teka teki nih. Jika kita menghadapi sebuah gelas yang hanya berisi air setengahnya, bagaimana kita mengatakannya? Gelas tersebut setengah isi atau gelas tersebut setengah kosong? Dua-duanya sama-sama benar masalahnya.

Yak! Dua duanya memang benar. Kita bisa bilang gelas itu setengah isi. Begitupun kalau kita bilang gelas tersebut setengah kosong. Benar juga. Di sini thom tidak mempermasalahkan bagaimana kita bilang situasi tersebut.

Tapi coba deh pilih salah satu. Pilih mengatakan setengah kosong atau setengah isi?

Bisa dikatakan, cara pandang kitalah yang membedakan bagaimana kita mengatakannya. Dari ilustrasi tadi dapat kita katakan bahwa yang mengatakan gelas tersebut setengah kosong, mmengilustrasikan kecenderungan berpikir pesimis. Sebaliknya jika kita mengatakan bahwa gelas tersebut masih ada isinya walau setengah, mengilustrasikan pemikiran yang optimis.

Yang bisa dipetik dari ilustrasi di atas adalah bahwa dalam memandang masalah yang datang, jangan dari satu arah saja. Mencoba meminta pendapat orang lain, terkadang ada baiknya juga. :) Tidak ada salahnya 'kan?
Note : Judul postingan di atas merupakan judul sebuah inspiring-book karya Parlindungan Marpaung [Setengah Isi Setengah Kosong Half Full -- Half Empty]. Hanya saja, di sini thom tulis ulang karena ternyata ketika mau thom rewrite, ternyata sudah banyak yang menulisnya di blog lain. Akhirnya saya sarikan saja deh :) Biar gak dianggap sampah ama Google hehehehe... Semoga bermanfaat!

Directv, Your Television Solution

Television is one of the necessities now days, not only as the medium information transfer but also as the source of entertainment. It will be much cheaper for you to enjoy watching television and have fun with family at home rather than go somewhere else.

However, there are a lot of people that is complaining about the high fee that they should pay for the channels, even if they never watch or enjoy the channel. They keep wondering is there any solution to deal with this matter. The answer is yes, in the form of Direct TV, and MyTVoptions is the best TV cable and satellite that is offered. You can choose the right Directv that only suit to your interest and need, so there is no need for you to pay all of the channels like the other services. MyTVoptions is also one of the largest Direct TV in Texas; they are available in almost every city in Texas. So, all you need to do is just selecting the city where you live or type your zip code to find the best cable or satellite provider in Texas.

For the complete information about Directv and to see the list of the city, you can visit their website in All your TV solution is available in one single click.

Thom Sharing Support Bahasa Asing

Hanya iseng iseng sih. Thom sharing sudah support bahasa asing. Kamsudnya? Thom menyediakan Google Translate Gadget [yang letakknya di sidebar kanan atas itu tuh, dibawah status yahoo messenger] untuk mempermudah para visitor asing yang tidak mengerti bahasa Indonesia. Jadi mereka [harapannya] bisa tetap menikmati blog ini dengan bahasa mereka sendiri.

Hmm yang jadi permasalahan adalah mereka tahu tidak ya dengan adanya Gadget ini? Lokasinya 'njepit' kek gitu sih :D Yah semoga aja tahu lah :D

Denger-denger, isunya dengan dipasangnya tool/ gadget seperti itu bisa meningkatkan traffik. Hmm,, tapi gak tahu juga sih. Thom pasang dan buktikan dulu ah. Kalo bener trafik thom meningkat, baru deh ntar tak posting lagi..

Yang mau pasang, bisa mengikuti link ini Google Translate Gadget.
Nanti langsung akan disodorin code, jadi langsung copy-paste aja. Cara memasukkan ke blog tahu 'kan? :) Pasti udah pada tahu deh. Jadi gak thom tulis di sini yah, OK?!

Gut lak dah.

Note : Lucu juga sewaktu blog ini dalam bahasa Linggis persi tranlateannya Mbah Gugel :D

Fenomena Penganiayaan Google

Ternyata bukan hanya TKW/ TKI saja kok yang mendapatkan penganiayaan. Ternyata eh ternyata, mbah kebanggaan kita, mbah Gugel juga demen melakukan penganiayaan. Coba saja lihat para blogger yang digebuk, dijewer, disetrika atau dibanned sama Mbah Gugel. Enatah masalah keamanan webnya yang mengancam visitor atau kontennya yang aduhai melenceng, atau juga kasus PR yang disunat abizz. Hmm.. kalo masalah seperti ini kita laporannya kemana yah? :D

Satu hal yang perlu disorot disini adalah mengenai penyunatan yang dilakukan oleh mbah Gugel. Ada tipsnya gak yah??

Yaa PR == gengsi lah. :D kan enak punya PR tinggi. Apalagi yang sudah bermainn di bisnis repiu. Wuih.. sangat mempengaruhi banyaknya job yang dateng tuh :D [selain faktor yang lain lho ya :)].

Sebenarnya sih, thom tidak ada tips. Hanya sebatas berbagi saja. Jadi, PR yang sudah kita dapat penuh perjuangan tidak disunat, yang thom lakuin yaitu :
  1. Berdo'a
    Wajib tuh :D
  2. Sering-sering blogwalking
    Tapi thom jarang nih BW sekarang.. Moga moga aja gak kena sunat. Sunatnya dah cukup sekali aja :D
  3. Banyakin one way link
    Istilahnya lain, cari aja blog dofollow trus komen dah. Jadi kita gak usah tukeran link. Cukup banyakin aja link yang mengarah ke blog kita dengan memanfaatkan blog dofollow, terutama blog dofollow yang dah dikenalin ama Search Engine
  4. 2:1
    Ini khusus yang main repiu. Katanya sih, dengan menggunakan sistem posting 2 postingan asli, 1 postingan repiu, bisa mengamankan PR.
  5. Berdo'a lagi
    Habis berusaha 'kan berdo'a :D Yang penting dioptimalin aja usahanya ..
Nah, met berusaha deh, Ini juga thom baru mempertahankan PR nih, biar gak kena sunat. :D

Place to be Well Trained about Computer Operating

This computer era world has demanded us to know much more about computer and the operating. The learning of computer and kinds other aspects related to it are important for all people; not only they who works in a computer industry but also all of other people who works in kinds of field.

It is great if you can get a job in a computer industry for the good sums of wages will be earned. When you dream to be employed in a computer industry; the main requirement to be had is the A+ Certification. It is needed by more than fifty major computer software and hardware manufactures and also other industries related to it.

So, if you really dream about the job; just follow the A+ training and get the certification. is the best place for you to get the A+ training and other training related to the computer operating. Just be here to become a well trained employee about computer operating.

Tips Mengerjakan Review ala Diriku

Bermain repiu ternyata gak sulit sulit amat. Maksudnya, diluar perjuangan menuju diapprove-nya blog lhoo. Mungkin itu akan saya bahas besok. :D Nah, saya asumsikan bahwa kita sudah diterima oleh germo repiunya [bacanya : broker]. Nah, dari situ kita tinggal menunggu job menghampiri [Blogsvertise, Reviewme, de el el] atau mencari job [SponsoredReviews].
Nah permasalahannya adalah bagaimana menulis repiu yang mudah?

Untuk menghasilkan repiu yang originil dan mudah, bisa dilakukan cara cara berikut :
  1. Kalau ingin menulis repiu sendiri, biasanya aku ke Google. Kemudian mengetikkan keyword yang berhubungan dengan yang akan kita repiu. Biasanya sih aku mencari 3-5 blog yang merepiu hal yang sama, kemudian dari semua itu aku bandingkan. Pokoknya bisa menjawab pertanyaan 'Repiunya bagaimana dan seperti apa sih?'. Yaa sebagai gambaran saja sih. Setelah itu, baru deh aku nulis repiunya. Tool wajib yang aku gunakan : Google Translate. :D
  2. Kalau versi yang ini, modelnya gini. Kita dapat job apa lalu repiunya kita kerjakan dengan bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu. Baru deh ditranslate. Tool wajib : Google Translate.

    Vocab boleh minim, yang penting tahu grammarnya

  3. Yang terakhir, lempar aja jobnya ke pihak ketiga, yaitu orang yang menyediakan jasa buat nulis repiu. Tentu saja kita musti menyediakan upah buat imbal jasanya. Cari saja di Google. Banyak juga kok jenis dan macemnya. Dari yang murah sampai yang cenderung 'mahal'. Biasanya sih [rata-rata] satu repiu-an dibandrol harga $1. Lumayan 'kan? Daripada pusing pusing buat sendiri. Pokoknya kalau ada job datang, tinggal forward ke jasa penulis » repiu jadi » bayar. Bayarnya bisa dari Paypal ato via bank trasfer. Tinggal pilih. :)

    Note : Cara ini nih yang sering thom gunakan. Kalau baru ada mood, baru deh tulis sendiri. Tapi banyakan malesnya. :D Toh membagi $1 dari penghasilan yang ntar di dapet udah tetep cukup gede :)
Nah kamu mau pilih mana?? Silahkan pilih deh :D

Eh Ternyata Udah Juli

Hampir lupa. Sekarang sudah tanggal 1 Juli yah huehehehe.. *nyengir* Ternyata aku tambah umur lagi :D Gak papa deh yang penting bisa melakukan yang semakin baik lagi. :) Di bulan Juli ini, ada kejadian apa saja yah? Manohara bikin sinetron?? [Males banget dah baru denger namanya aja -_-"] Pilpres bsok tanggal 8?? Ato yang lain?

Terserahlah mau ada kejadian apa aja di bulan ini. Yang penting, kita melakukan yang terbaik aja, gak merusak atau nambahin rusak everything sama berdo'a biar semua mendapatkan ketabahan, terlebih yang baru mendapatkan cobaan. Masa' gak bosen denger berita penyiksaan TKW di luar negeri? [termasuk si Mano tuh] ato Lumpur Lapindo yang buka cabang di Banten [kali] dan blablablabla...

Semoga Indonesia semakin membaik. Amin

Hmm.. Btw,, Selamat Bulan Juli... :D

Note : Bioskop TransTV moga moga ngupdate pilem pilem bagusnya :D Jangan pilem pilem murahan diputer atau replay pilem dulu.. bikin males aja. Semoga :D

Beautiful Home with Sufficient Lightings

Lighting can give important roles in increasing the beauty of a house. To have a pretty house; you don’t need to build a super luxurious and large house but the both interior and exterior design are the most influencing aspects to increase the beauty. And the good arrangement of the lighting will give a big influence for a beautiful house; besides, sufficient lightings also can give sense of cleanliness and cheerful.

Generally, lighting can be gotten from sun lights and also lamps. To get a sufficient light in the day times; you can apply some glasses windows and ventilation so that the sun lights can properly come into your home. Meanwhile, in the dark times; you can apply some lamps and lamp shades in some sides of your home so that it can give sufficient lights in each room.

Lighting also can give a sense of aesthetic; nice lights and the shape of the lightings can give double function in your home; both giving lights and as room ornaments; such as table lamps, table torchierers, buffet lamps, accent lamps and many more. You can purchase some beautiful and artistic lamps and apply it in your home. There are many online stores providing kinds of lighting; you can visit the sites and find various lamps that suit your favorites and your home style.